Saturday, January 24, 2015

What is Preservation Protocol?

Preservation Protocol is a project started in 1999 by founder "Ahgamen Kyyboa" and several others. By 2001 the group had splintered and one of the factions reneged on its commitment to the central focus.  There is also a deep original connection with the interdisciplinary college project, Synthesis club.

Presently, the main Preservation Protocol team is working to reach its goal of establishing a model of ecological and spiritual sustainability for perpetuity.  The location of the actual showcase place is TBA.  It will be a center for people to enjoy and learn about a better way to live on the planet Earth, our only real, tangible home in this infinite universe.

We welcome all inquiries and will invite those who are serious and like-minded to enter our center this year in 2015 and BEYOND.